Mods uploaded by MrPurple6411

Improved Power Network
Overhauls the power transmitter.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Fabricator No Auto Close
Stops the fabricator from closing while crafting so you can more easily select a follow up craft. Same thing as holding shift while crafting but automatic.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Extra Options
Some visual options from the F3 menu put into the mod menu, as well as a few extra to allow for clearer water and clearer surface occlusion.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Drop Upgrades On Destroy
This is a simple mod that will make vehicles drop any upgrades that were installed in it if the vehicle is destroyed.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Custom Posters
Loads custom Posters to decorate with.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Customize Your Spawns
Allows you to change what and where creatures/chunks/deposits/fragments are spawned in the world base on biomes.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Custom Hull Plates
Loads custom hull plates to decorate with.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Custom Commands
Adds some extra commands to the game.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Creatures Flee Less
When attacking creatures it makes them not run away at the smallest damage meaning hostile creatures care less about your silly little butter knife.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Copper From Scanning
Makes it so when you scan fragments you already know you now get 1 titanium and 1 copper instead of 2 titanium.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Configurable Chunk Drops
This mod allows to configure What drops from the different chunks in the game.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Charge Required
Makes it so that when crafting things that require a battery as an ingredient to craft they will fail when trying to use a dead battery.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Building Tweaks
Makes a number of changes to what's possible when placing/constructing objects.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Builder Place On Complete
Makes it so when you finish constructing something it automatically starts placement of another of said object.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Builder Module
Builder Module for Prawn Suit or Seamoth. Pulls mats from inventory For those big, long projects.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Better ACU
Overall Improvement of the Alien Containment Unit.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Base Kits
This makes a new fabricator to make kits for base parts that can be used to build base parts from the single item kit instead of hauling all the mats.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Base Legs Removal
Very Basic mod with ingame config to disable certain base parts from making legs.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Base Deconstruct Fix
Fix for Recipes when Deconstructing Corridor parts.
Last updated: 2 years ago
Aquarium Overflow
This mod requires Aquarium Breeding and Cyclops BioReactor for it to work.
Last updated: 2 years ago
All Items 1x1
Changes all items to occupy one block of inventory space.
Last updated: 2 years ago